
Niklas Johansson
Niklas Johansson
Born: 1982. CEO since 2024

Education: Bachelors degree in economics from Högskolan in Borås

Previous assignments (last five years): CEO Svenska Brasserier

Shareholding in the company: -

Anna Eskhult
Anna Eskhult
Born: 1976. CFO since 2021

Education: Bachelors degree in economics from Yrkeshögskola Öst

Previous assignments (last five years): CFO Trention AB, CFO Saxlund Group AB, Group Finance Manager Netent AB 

Shareholding in the company: -

Profile pic
Olav Thorstad
Born 1968. Interim Strategy & Operations Director since 2021

Education: MBA, Norwegian Business School, Oslo.

Previous assignments (last five years): CEO Sats 2007 – 2018.

Shareholding in the company: -

Education: Bachelors degree in economics from Högskolan in Borås

Previous assignments (last five years): CEO Svenska Brasserier

Shareholding in the company: -

Education: Bachelors degree in economics from Yrkeshögskola Öst

Previous assignments (last five years): CFO Trention AB, CFO Saxlund Group AB, Group Finance Manager Netent AB 

Shareholding in the company: -

Education: MBA, Norwegian Business School, Oslo.

Previous assignments (last five years): CEO Sats 2007 – 2018.

Shareholding in the company: -